Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

New Update On Noah

 Noah had a heart cath on Monday to check the pressures in his heart. Thank you so much for those prayers. I wish I had positive news to share. Noah’s pressures were high. The same as they were when he was first listed for transplant nine years ago and his BNP that measures heart failure was crazy high. The plan is to put Noah on a Diuretic that will help remove a lot of fluid that is building up around Noah’s heart making Noah’s heart having to work harder to pump. They want him to also take an ace inhibitor that helps with heart failure. He needs to repeat labs in two weeks to see if his BNP numbers lower and we will see the team in a month. They will do another heart Cath in 3-6 months depending on the labs and his symptoms. We are good with this plan but also concerned about his high numbers. We are thankful at this time that they do not need to list him. Our prayer requests are that Noah’s numbers would drop and he could remain off the transplant list, also that Noah would be able to process all of this well and be responsible for taking his meds and taking care of himself which is not always easy for any college student. Thank you for continuing to walk this hard road with us. We are grateful for you all.