Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Saturday, June 1, 2024


 We did it! We survived Maycember. What is Maycember you ask? Maycember is that crazy month after April that is filled with every end of the year school activity known to man. Banquets, recitals, games, projects, finals, graduations, parties, activities, etc.  It’s just as busy and crazy as the month of December.  

This May was especially busy for our family. We had two very special graduations followed by a big party to celebrate our boys.  Not to mention our sweet girl getting her drivers permit and finishing her first year of high school. So many big milestones. Noah graduated Biola University with a degree in accounting. Jonah graduated high school with a goal to pursue a degree in Music for studio production at CBU.

My biggest prayer at the beginning of the school year was to be able to be present and participate in all the school events. I asked God to protect my health and give me the strength I needed to be able to attend these special activities. The Lord heard my cry and answered that prayer. I was able to avoid lots of sickness all around me and didn’t have to miss any of my kids special events. Thank you Jesus!   It was a great year full of many wonderful memories. I’m so proud of my kids and so thankful for the ways I see the Lord working in their lives. 

Being able to attend all these activities does not mean I always had the strength and energy or that I was free from pain and exhaustion. For me it meant sometimes giving up other things in my life and planning recovery days around each event. It meant  convincing doctors to push out a necessary surgery to June. There were still doctors apts. for  the three of us   (Mel, Noah, Hannah) and managing our daily care. However God in his great mercy sustained us and gave us the strength needed to keep persevering. I’m so grateful for all of it. 

As we look to June I would appreciate your prayers. June 10th Noah will have a heart biopsy and on June 14th I will be having pacemaker surgery to replace my battery.  These are big things but nothing our big God isn’t aware of. What to pray for? Pray Noah’s heart does not show increasing signs of rejection and that his pressures look good.  For my surgery please pray that everything will go smooth and I can come home same day.  Most importantly pray that our hearts would continually be focused on him the creator and sustainer.

We are grateful for your continued love, prayers, and support.