Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

An Encouraging Day

Right after my recent diagnosis some good friends of ours the Talley's took us out to talk and pray for us. During our conversation Dave mentioned that we should talk with a guy from our church named Dan who owns his own health and wellness gym close by. He said that he has been able to do some amazing things for clients with dabilitating diseases and illnesses. A few days later at church Jason and I found Dan and talked with him. He was a nice guy and seemed like he was knowledgable about my diagnosis and things he might be able to do to help. Today I had my first appointment with him. This guy is such a great guy. I walked away from our meeting feeling so encouraged. He put me through a series of machines to test my strength. Everytime he discovered a weak muscle he said that's okay this is what we are going to do to gain the strength back. He spent time explaining how the muscles work and I wanted to cry because I was doing some things I haven't been able to do and he was pushing me and encouraging me the whole time. The Lord has really given him a gift to help others and he recognizes that our meeting is not by chance. I really needed this meeting. I have been feeling so discouraged lately, confident that the Lord is using me in this difficult time but dealing with a lot of sadness that I do not want to be a burden to my husband and children. I want to keep fighting as hard as I can and not let this disease get the best of me. I was just not sure how and today I found out how and it feels so good. I struggle with putting something so personal like this out there but I know that the people reading this are praying and supporting us through this time.


  1. Keep fighting Melody! We are all in your corner. So thankful for a positive meeting with Dan.

  2. I am SO thankful you shared!!! God is good and this is a blessing on your journey~ soak it in and celebrate! You are a wonderful example for all to know!!!
    Blessings and love!

  3. Yes, Mel--Praying for you. And so glad for the encouraging meeting.

  4. Thank you for sharing not only the hard stuff, but how God is getting you through! You are such an inspiration!! Lifting you up today and sending you a great big Iowan hug!!!

  5. I read through some back posts about your recent diagnosis. I am so inspired by your attitude and dependance on your Heavenly Father through it all. I'll pray for His strength and peace to flow through you.
