Our Favorite doctor and friend invited us to a big medical conference he was putting on. The conference was called Pediatric 2040. It included world renowned doctors from all over the world. They spoke on future medical innovations. Our doctor invited us to come and speak at a portion on Saturday morning so we were privileged to be able to stay at the hotel on Friday night. Our kids were beyond excited. Another friend blessed us with five tickets to Disney Land. The blessings continued through out the weekend in ways that brought us to tears. We truly saw God's finger prints everywhere. When we arrived Friday we checked in to the conference and were treated like royalty. We were introduced to several doctors from all over the world including a Neurologist. I asked him if he saw adults. He listened to our story, taking notes on his ipad and looking up several different things to share with us. It was a great opportunity to pick his brain as well as several others. Not very often that you get to be in a room and pick the brain of several doctors. Might not sound exciting to most but with a family full of medical issues this was like gold to us. That Neurologist later told us that he will be discussing some ideas with Dr. Chang about my case :). The kids got to meet the creators of the IROBOT. It is a medical robot that will allow the doctors to treat end stage patients who are unable to get to the hospital. The boys got to work the robot and when the nice lady told me it was a 200,000 dollar machine I about fainted. Ha!! I said ok I think we need to give it back to the nice man now. The night went on with us having a private dinner with a select few.
The next morning we went on stage
to address the crowed. Everyone was so kind and it was an incredible opportunity to be apart of it all. The conference ended that morning and our family was gifted with a hotel suite for another night at the Grand California.
Our family went on to enjoy Disneyland. You will not believe the next blessing we encountered. While waiting in line for a ride, a man behind us handed Jason a $100 bill and said "sir i think you dropped this". After Jason saying it wasn't his a few times, the wife said "no he wants to give this to you". We were so taken back by this gift. This couple had no idea about our family's story. I gave the man a bracelette and told him our story and that we would put it in Noah's fund. The couple was so sweet and said they were impressed by the joy on our faces and said that we had blessed them more.
It was such a wonderful weekend away. The last few weeks leading up to this weekend have been hard. It has been hard to accept my new leg braces and see my strength decreasing, it has been hard to wait for Noah's heart, and it has been hard seeing our close friends battle cancer. It would have been so easy for us to wallow in the hardness of it all. It's really easy to stay there. We could have and we would have missed out on how God was at work. The Lord is always so faithful to pour his blessings out. I'm so thankful that he allows my eyes to be wide open to the ways he is working through all of this. It would be so easy to get caught up in the gifts and not give him the credit for it. Only God could have made this weekend happen for us.
Thank you to all who made this weekend so special for us all. Our cups are full and we our counting our blessings once more.