Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Meeting Update

We are thankful for all your prayers.  We got word today from the transplant team at UCLA.  After much consideration they have decided that Dr. Changs opinions were very valid and raised great concerns.  They are sorry for not consulting him before they met with us but feel it is best that Noah remain on the list.  Our emotions are all over the place.  At the end of the day though it comes down to this.  God is sovereign.  He is the only one in control of what happens with Noah.  He already knows the timing, the donor, and if and when Noah will make it to transplant.  It really doesn't matter the decisions these doctors are making.  I have been resting in that a lot this week as we have anticipated the doctors decision.  Even if he was to have been taken off the list for awhile that list doesn't determine what and when for Noah.  God does.  This is what calms my emotions and helps me to breathe. I have absolutely NO CONTROL.  NONE!!!  I don't have the right answers in this situation.  I do however have a wonderful Father who even before Noah was formed he knew his story.  I will rest in that.  I will cling to that assurance.

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