Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Friday, October 15, 2021

I'm Writing A Book

 I realize it has been a good while since I have done a blog post. This is always a good thing in that it typically means our life is somewhat stable, from a medical standpoint anyway 😀

One of the reasons for my absence is that I have been doing a lot of writing. With the encouragement from some dear friends and many of you who have followed my journey, I have decided to write a book. I can't believe I'm even saying this out loud😳. Yep! I'm attempting to write a book. It feels strange  because I still don’t view myself as a writer but nonetheless I’m enjoying the process. The book I’m attempting to write is on Suffering. The purpose of the book is to help people shift their perspective from why me to why not me when walking through hard trials.  It will help people walking through difficulty learn how to see God’s purposes in their lives so that they can fully trust in his sovereign plan.  It gives a glimpse into my life and reveals the ways that God met and continues to meet me in the darkest of times. My prayer is that God would put words to pen and it would be an encouragement to so many. I have included many of my previous blog posts from years past. I have a wonderful supportive team and it will be an answer to prayer to one day see this come to fruition.  I’m often amazed how God as I’m re-reading these posts has used these words to preach back to myself.  My mom was just over the other day and I was telling her how God is using these posts from years past to minister to my heart.  She pulled out a page from an old blog post I wrote that she keeps tucked in her purse. It was a blog post that I wrote many years ago explaining how I view my situation as a blessing.  It was like a balm to my heart. I so needed to be reminded of those words as I have not been feeling well. The Lord truly does draw near to the broken hearted. I think sometimes we miss it because we are expecting the Lord to take our hard completely away.  We have expectations on what we think it looks like for the Lord to draw near to us. However the Lord draws near in ways that are good for us. sometimes that means not taking the difficulty away but helping us walk through it. 

I pray that if you are walking through something hard that you would be able to recognize how the Lord draws near and I pray that it would be a sweet balm to your heart as well.


  1. So glad to hear that your writing continues and the process itself has been beneficial. This book is no doubt going to be used of God in some powerful ways. The assurance of God's love for us in all the hard stuff always comes through so clearly in your blogposts. I am thankful you responded to your good friends' encouragement. Praying you feel better soon, Mel.

  2. Thank you so much Diane for your kind words. ❤️❤️
