Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Friday, February 17, 2023

God's Grace

 I’m feeling overwhelmed with gratitude this morning as I think about God’s grace to me. I would love to share with you all a few examples of his tender loving care in hopes that it would encourage you and remind you how much your father deeply cares for you.

 I was thinking back to many conversations I had with the Lord over the last ten years pleading with him to protect Noah’s heart.  I wanted so badly to be shielded from seeing Noah collapse and suffer a heart attack or be in the hospital on borrowed time hooked to machines as he waited for a new heart.  I told God I would trust him no matter what but confessed my heart couldn’t help but be anxious and weary about walking that road.  It’s not something that held my mind captive on a daily basis but the fear would creep in from time to time and overtake me.  I talk a lot about how happy I will be when we get to heaven and no longer have to fight the flesh.  What do I mean when I say this? This is what I’m referring to.  It will be so nice to have perfect complete trust free of fear and free from battling our sin.  To always be looking vertically instead of horizontally.  I long to do this well but know I will never be able to do it perfectly here on earth. I will always be fighting the flesh until I get to heaven. 

God was so gracious to me in his timing of Noah’s heart transplant. He allowed Noah to be at home with us the morning we received that dreaded phone call.  A few months earlier and Noah would have been living in the dorms.  Noah’s heart was super sick but he didn’t feel terrible and it really didn’t interfere much with his day to day activities.  This was God’s grace to us because I did not have to watch my son suffer.  Almost six months out and Noah continues to do well with no complications.  I don’t want to lose sight of what a huge gift from the Lord that was and is to all of us.

God continues to put people in my life that show me his goodness in beautiful unexpected ways. Many of you know that I have been writing a book documenting my story and the ways God works in the hard.  It has been quite the undertaking that has been full of high’s and lows. I have questioned many times whether or not I could really do this.  When I have been in those moments it seems every time the Lord brings me the encouragement and assurance I need to keep going so I have continued to walk in obedience knowing that these will be his words not mine. The Lord has provided some amazing editors who have given of their time, talent, and resources to help me.  One saint in particular who did not know me or my story has spent hours of her time.  We FaceTimed yesterday and got to finally see each other and meet for the first time.  I can not even tell you how much I have learned from this beautiful lady. She does not know me, she lives many states away, and has asked for nothing in return. It has been a joy to interact with her and learn from her. She is so encouraging and is championing me to get this book to publication.  I got off the phone and wept.  God’s goodness to us is just so sweet.

Another beautiful reminder came in the form of service.  Years ago I got a referral to a massage therapist who worked in a Chiropractic office nearby.  I started seeing her every so often.  This gal has been through so much hard loss in her life and radiates beautiful joy.  Her sister is a quadriplegic and she helps take care of her.  She has always shown empathy for my situation and a deep curiosity of my story.  Her vulnerability with me has been a gift.  This woman takes of her time to come to my home to work on my sore tight muscles.  She also wants nothing in return but to use her gifts to bless me.  This is overwhelming to me that these two beautiful woman would show such love and kindness to me.

God’s grace and kindness to us come in many different forms.  Paul Tripp has this to say about God’s Grace:

You need it. You can’t live without it, but you can’t purchase it and you can’t earn it. It only ever comes by means of a gift, and when you receive it, you immediately realize how much you needed it all along, and you wonder how you could’ve lived so long without it.

In a fallen world, populated by selfish, lost, fearful, and rebellious people, it’s the one thing that everyone needs. And you can only give it to someone else when you have first been given it yourself, because you can't give away that which you don't have.

You see, God’s grace is the most powerful force in the universe, It reaches you where you are and takes you where God wants you to be. It has the power to do something that nothing else can do: transform you at the causal core of who you are as a human being - your heart.

For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:16-17

I hope you are able to recognize God’s amazing Grace in your life.


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