Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Monday, December 18, 2023

An Open Letter to my Husband on our 24th Wedding Anniversary.

 An Open Letter to my Husband on our 24th Wedding Anniversary.


    Twenty four years ago this morning I woke up with a level of excitement I had never known. I couldn’t wait to marry you. I had no idea what our future held but I was confident with you by my side all would be ok. In many ways it was better than I could have imagined, especially as I look at our three beautiful children. It was also harder than I imagined as we would endure medical challenge after medical challenge that would test both our marriage and our faith. I have watched you make incredible sacrifices on our behalf. You have had to watch the love of your life physically waste away and adapt to these losses as you grieve what once was. You have always been willing to do whatever it takes to make things easier for me. I can’t imagine walking this road with out you. I’m so grateful for the ways I have seen you rely on the Lord for strength and grace that only he can provide. I’m so grateful that you understand that our marriage was uniquely crafted by God to mirror the relationship between Christ and HIS bride, the church. (Ephesians 5.) I’m grateful your desire is to serve your wife sacrificially and you strive to model the kind of love that only comes from the father. I’m so lucky that God gave you to me. Thank you for making me feel beautiful each and every day and for always wanting me to know that there is nobody else you would rather do life with. I pray the Lord would continue to bless our marriage and use it to glorify his name.  I’m so grateful to be called yours. Happy Anniversary my love. I love you.


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