Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Monday, May 18, 2020


Friends and Family I have so much on my heart. I always want my words to be helpful and not hurtful.  I never want to minimize peoples pain and always want to point others to Jesus. I desire to offer hope in the midst of difficulties by sharing my own experience of walking through suffering. 

We are living in difficult times.  Many have lost their loved ones, have lost jobs, are dealing with depression, suicide rates are at an all time high, many have had to cancel special life events, have had to learn how to teach their children at home, have had to spend time in a hospital all alone, some are stuck at home with their abuser, and so much more.  All of these things can be overwhelming.  They can cause our hearts to be weary.  We can become fearful and can become so preoccupied with who to trust and how to decipher fact from fiction.  We may become angry at what we have lost and what we feel like we are owed or deserve. We start worrying about things that MAY happen in the future.  We feel unsettled with so many unknowns. We like to be in control. 

I know I’m guilty of all these things.  You would think someone who has had so many unexpected trials in her life would not be surprised when unexpected hardships come.  Ha! Nope! That would mean I have arrived and I’am nowhere close.  No I too have strapped in and road the rollercoaster of worry, doubt, anger and weariness.  The problem is when I go down that road I lose sight of all God’s goodness in the midst of hardship.  I’m unable to effectively be used by him, I’m unable to digest his truths. I forget that he cares far more than I do about the evils in this world.  I forget that even though I can’t see what he is doing through this I can trust that he is using it for good. I forget that he is my one constant.  That He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  That he never fails me, he never leaves me, and he never forsakes me.  When our eyes are on our circumstances we are unable to recognize his blessings and let me assure you there are many.  Look for them friends.

It’s tempting to give into fear but fear is a liar. It does nothing but wreak havoc and damage. Mathew 6:27 says “And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life.” It’s tempting for me to pout over missing my son’s last musical, my boys awards nights, my daughters end of the year activities, not seeing friends, boys graduation stuff, and even church.  It’s tempting to look at all the bad things in this world. We have to fight the flesh constantly.  We forget that it’s not about us.  If I found out that through Covid-19 God was able to bring more people to faith, that he was able to bring families together, that he was lifted high through this than I should rejoice.  REJOICE! Isn’t that what we want more than anything?  I know it’s what I want.  I think its easy for me to say I want to live in light of eternity when I have all of life’s comforts and its another thing when those comforts are stripped away.  I want to trust him with every aspect of my life and with every aspect of this messed up world.  In order to do that I need to to stop reading all the latest articles and watching all the opinion videos. Instead I need to keep resting on HIS promises. He is where I need to find my answers, joy, peace, and my security.  Here are just a few that I’m leaning on and as always I hope they encourage you to “fight the flesh”.

Deuteronomy 31;6 Be strong and courageous, Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.  He will never leave you or forsake you.

john 13:7  You do not realize now what i’am doing but later you will understand.

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

James 1:2-4  Consider it great joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kind,  for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness, and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Psalm 91:14  Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him. I will protect him because he knows my name.

This song also has been on repeat for me

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