Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh to be used by him

I had one of those beautiful experiences this morning of God showing us how he is using us for his glory. This is always my biggest prayer that I would be used by him in ways that were glorifying him. Last February we did our first America World Adoption Seminar at our church. We had decided to sign on as associates to help spread the word about Gods design for adoption and share our Journey and the work the Lord did through our adoption of Hannah. I had decided to leave a few flyers out at the benches at WC Friday school incase anyone was interested in coming. After the seminar a couple who had picked up a flyer at WC came up to us and said they were so blessed by the seminar and that there hearts were open to adopting from China. We talked a bit and said we wanted to have them over for dinner. Months went by and at the end of school we found out that they had applied with an agency and were starting the process. We were thrilled for them. Over the summer I had thought of this couple often wondering how things were going. This morning I got the opportunity to catch up with my sweet friend Alexis. She told me that she was so blessed by our story and the ways God was already working in their journey. They had received a referral for a 7 year old beautiful girl with a heart condition. They decided to name her Melody yes you read that right Melody(down came the waterworks) They said they were beyond happy to be naming there child in our honor and that we played an instrumental role in God's adoption plan for their Melody. After bawling I hugged her and said how excited I was for them and Melody and this journey. Lord thank you for that special conversation this morning and for allowing me to see the ways you are using our family to Glorify your name. You are an amazing God and we constantly stand in awe of you. The Lord spoke to me through this conversation this morning. He reminded me that I'm so blessed to be his. That I just need to concentrate on the wonderful blessings and WAIT on him because he is doing a work in my life that is bigger than diagnoses and tests and diseases. If you would like to hear more of Alexis's story you can read it here


  1. What a special blessing to play such a significant role in their choice to grow their family through adoption! Yay!

  2. She is darling!! What a huge, huge blessing! I had a friend tell me this last week that *I* had ben a blessing and encouragement to her in her faith and seeking God - I was BLOWN AWAY - really humbled that God could use little old me to turn anyone towards HIM! I am amazed at the lives that are and can be changed because HIS people are willing to be used by Him.

